Located south of Mackay, the Hay Point Coal loader is on one of the largest in Queensland. BMA in a joint venture partnership between BHP Billiton and Mitsubishi, operates the facility on a 24 hour basis to unload coal delivered by trains, wash it and transport it by conveyor to load ships for export.
A section of land owned by BMA immediately east of the coal loader contains valuable remnant coastal vegetation, including patches of littoral rainforest, which BMA is committed to protect and manage. Bushland restoration teams engaged by BMA are carrying out restore work and managing the ecological values associated with this strip of coastal vegetation.
The beach adjoining the coastal vegetation is a major nesting site for an endangered species of turtle. A boardwalk was therefore constructed by RMA from the main road to the beach to allow public access without damage to the ecological values of the area. Environmental education is raising community awareness of ecological issues, particularly the turtle nesting role of the beach.
URS was engaged by BMA to design and document a public lookout at the northern end of Hay Point peninsula. As a Principal Landscape Architect of URS, Noel Corkery was responsible for preparation of the concept design and managing documentation of the works.
Client: URS/BMA
Location: Hay Point QLD Australia
Images: Corkery Consulting
The new lookout development at the northern end of Hay Point peninsula allows visitors to observe the coal loading process and movement of large ships. It also provides opportunities to enjoy views along the coastline and across to nearby islands.
The new lookout facilities include car parking, bus turning, entry shelter structure, and pathways to the cliff-top lookout terraces at each end providing panoramic views
of the ships being loaded as well as views along the sandy beach. Seating walls are also provided along the lookout terrace.
Landscape works included planting with species indigenous to the region provides shade to the car park and edges of the informal grass area with the coastal shrub vegetation restored along the top of the coastal slopes. A restoration strategy was prepared for the whole
strip of remnant vegetation in consultation with a local land care group who are implementing the restoration recommendations. A boardwalk loop provides public access through remnant coastal vegetation and beach adjoining the Hay Point coal loading facilities. Special consideration is given to the nesting requirements of the endangered turtle species along the beach and fore dunes.